Welcome to Mid-Atlantic Region VMCCA website


We are a Region of the Vintage Motor Car Club of America, dedicated to touring in vehicles 25 years or older.  We cover the Mid-Atlantic Region, however anyone anywhere may join.  We have members from across the United States.  Some Regions have Chapters, we do not.  We are a stand alone Region.

WHAT DO WE DO:  We TOUR!, have fun and make friendships.  We have four annual events within our Region:  Spring Tour, Annual Picnic, Fall Tour and Annual Meeting.  Our members volunteer to plan these events.  In addition VMCCA has numerous National and Regional tours, some of which are year specific ranges or style vehicle. Try us, you will like us.

NEWSLETTER:  Our Award Winning publication Wheels-a-Rolling is distributed quarterly by e-mail. 

FACEBOOK PAGE: Mid-Atlantic Region has its own Facebook Page where group members share by posting photos and comments usually of the most recent Tours or activities

EVERYONE IS WELCOME, please join with us!